Van Lines

Let’s talk about a major moving company that a letter in which was sent out to all their drivers on February 16th.
What a slap in the face on what is said for guys and gals currently onboard or any new recruits thinking about coming on board with this major Moving Company (Van-Lines)
Here is the first letter.
Get aggressive.
Here’s what we’re seeing:
• Agent pricing is at an all-time high for this time of year.
• Volume is at an all-time low.
• Capacity is in danger of shrinking before we enter peak season because drivers don’t have the loads they need to keep moving.
We’re encouraging the network to raise discounts and dispense with non-tariff charges — like the MMS fee — in order to capture as many available opportunities as possible. In other words, now is not the time to hold the line on price during the non-peak period:
Go to the max discount during the off-peak season and try using the Valued Customer Credit (VCC) to close business.
For reference, the details of the VCC are repeated below this memo.
Another tool at your disposal is the ability to modulate your packing discount. Several years ago, we gave agents the ability to use a different packing discount from the linehaul discount (if the packing discount is higher than linehaul; it can’t be less). In the current environment, there may be orders where it makes sense to raise the packing discount to be more competitive.
I’m emphasizing this strategy because our data shows that, on average, agents are continuing to book business at discounts that average as much as six points below the max discount in each weight category. When volume is this low it begs the question of how many opportunities are not being closed due to non-competitive pricing?
In recent weeks we’ve interviewed many drivers in our network, and they’re all saying the same thing: “I’d rather have an order at the max discount and make a few hundred dollars less than have no order at all.”
The quote above from drivers is not true and not about making a little money it is about caring enough for your drivers and any future drivers they may wish to hire, integrity, pay and honest contracts goes along way when hiring drivers or keeping the ones you got.
Here is what the moving company says after.
For orders booked on or after February 6, with last day of loading no later than April 15, agents can offer as much as a $300 credit to help close sales on shipments between 4,000 and 27,999 pounds on the 100 Tariff. For the van line to participate in the cost of the credit, the shipment must be long-haul (600 miles or greater), agents must go to the maximum discount of thirty-four percent (34%) and no MMS fee or other non-tariff charge can be added to the order.
If those criteria are met, the van line will split the cost of the credit 50/50 with the booker (the van line’s maximum participation is $150). The program will be funded between the booker and the van line – the hauler will not participate in funding the program. To book an order with a Valued Customer Credit, enter the amount of the credit (e.g. – $300) in the “Other” tab in Access and label it, “Valued Customer Credit.”
Nothing mentioned in the above about drivers receiving more pay, in fact it is a hard slap in the face,
Then they go on to say.
If an MMS fee or non-tariff charge is added to an order with a Valued Customer Credit, the booker will absorb the entire credit.
If a Valued Customer Credit is added to an order that is not sold at maximum discount (34 percent), the booker will absorb the entire credit.
a Valued Customer Credit is added to an order less than 4,000 pounds, the agent will absorb the entire credit.
Orders must be long-haul shipments (i.e., more than 600 miles) in order to use the Valued Customer Credit.
Attn Drivers here is another cut in pay taking place with this major moving company. (Sent out to all its drivers on the same day)
SRA changes in NE, MW, SW and NW pricing regions
As volume comes into the network at a slower pace, the van line is continuously monitoring each of the market regions and adjusting pricing accordingly. As result, we’re implementing the following changes to Seasonal Rate Adjustments:
Northeast pricing region –
Weeks of 5/21, 5/28 and 6/4 – SRA eliminated.
Weeks of 6/11 and 6/18 – reduced to 30 percent.
Weeks of 6/25 and 7/2 – reduced to 40 percent.
Weeks of 7/9, 7/16 and 7/23 – reduced to 25 percent.
Weeks of 7/30, 8/6, 8/13 and 8/20 – SRA eliminated.
Midwest pricing region –
Weeks of 7/9, 7/16, 7/23 and 7/30 – reduced to 25 percent.
Southwest pricing region –
Week of 4/16 – SRA eliminated.
Weeks of 5/28 and 6/4 – increased to 60 percent.
Weeks of 7/16 and 7/23 – reduced to 50 percent.
Week of 7/30 – reduced to 20 percent.
Northwest pricing region –
Weeks of 5/14 and 5/21 – increased to 50 percent.
A chart of the new SRAs will soon be available in Access under the Forms & Manuals Tab > Booking Tools link. You will have until 10 pm ET Thursday, Feb. 16 to book and register existing estimates at the old rates. After Thursday, Feb. 16, the new rates will be available in Access, and all estimates and orders will be rated using the new rates.
(SRA) stands for seasonal rate adjustment.
For many years companies have told their drivers it is all about supply and demand, we find this not true, During the start of covid many trucking companies took advantage of drivers even though there was a shortage of drivers and did not see a rate increase and if there was any it was very small, enough to buy a can of beans.
This Van Line allows the customers to rate their drivers by their claims, customer scores, safety record, on time, etc. according to there drivers they make just enough money to get by on.
This van lines have their own Tariff some of the worst in the industry, at least not set up for a new driver or many that have been there for years. Van lines in the moving business have changed over the years for the worst.
Under the freedom of speech act you have a right to assemble, Petition, write and we would love to hear from you drivers about any company that makes decisions for you and or does not follow the truth and federal leasing laws.
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Together we stand for what is right.