Baines Trucking LLC which uses an address of 2028 BELL AVENUE
SACRAMENTO, CA   95838  .

An close friend of ours was driving for Baines  Trucking LLC  while in California 7 miles from the yard and had a heart attack and was put into a induced coma to get well. During his hospital visit Baines trucking did not show any concerns or try to reach to the young man

During the young man’s recovery at the hospital he was owed 1900.00 for a previous load, Bains trucking llc towed the truck back to there yard in San Diego, California 7 miles away and left the young man stranded with no money and no additional pay not even the 1900.00 that was owed for his last trip, it just so happens they depleted his money in a towing charge of 1875.00.

After getting out of the hospital the young man had to pay 600.00 for his little dog which will call Frankie to get out of boarding

During the man’s employment the man driving for Bains Trucking sent in complaints to the owner of said company as well as pictures such as driving on bald steer tires, it was not until the young man driving pulled into banner scale and requested for an DOT inspection, Baines Trucking, LLC was then forced to replace the tires.

There is about 11 drivers driving for the company, the owners are overseas to avoid any repercussions from the law.

Many of there trucks are older then dirt and are using off road diesel in their semis.

The driver and his cute dog Frankie had asked for the rate com on many occasions but the company refused to give them to him to validate his income.

( Per the federal leasing laws Title 49 C.FR. 376.11 the driver was to receive a copy of the billed freight bill to validate his or hers income)

Some of their trucks are equipped with DEF in which the system has been bypassed.

Electronic logs are being changed remotely by Baines Trucking LLC.

Here is a really strange one, when the drivers communicate with trucking company, they use what’s up app messaging system so when the drivers sent in complaints and or pictures of defective equipment the company would delete their reply’s to cover their tracks.

Baines Trucking own the trucks, Many of their drivers are paid on a 1099 while the drivers are paying for the fuel. This is an employee not an independent contractor, meanwhile the trucking company keeps all the fuel tax credit for their own pocket.

The company is more then likely getting grants from the government to put inexperienced drivers in theses semis, putting the public at risk

Truck numbers were being changed about every 30 to 45 days.

The driver informed Baines that the annual inspection was expired and the company emailed the driver an current inspection without even seeing the truck for an inspection.

Their cargo insurance to the public is only at 750.000,00 the bare minimum.

Needless to say Baines trucking has also had two fatality’s on there FCMSA scores

The public is put at risk with safety issues with there trucks.

Do not drive for Baines Trucking.

The personal greed of trucking companies are complexing.